
Write a short Household Emergency Plan

There is an example household emergency plan in the useful downloads box at the top of this page that you can complete and keep to hand in case its needed in an emergency.

Your emergency plan is personal to you and your circumstances are unique. Think about exactly what information you would need in an emergency and write your own plan if you need to.

It’s a really good idea to sit your family / friends and neighbours down and write the plan together.

Think about things like:

  • If you couldn’t get home because of flooding, what would I do? Who would I need to ring? Who has spare keys and alarm code details for my house? Where would I go?
  • If I was asked to leave my house because it wasn’t safe to stay there – where would I go? What preparations can I make in advance?
  • What would I do if water, electric or gas was disrupted for a few days?
  • Keep a kit in your car too for when you are going on long journeys:
  • Warm clothes and blankets – for you and all passengers.
  • Torch and spare batteries – or wind up torch.
  • Boots
  • First aid kit.
  • Jump leads.
  • A shovel.
  • Road atlas.
  • Sunglasses.
  • In addition, when setting out on long journeys remember to take with you:
  • Food and a flask with a hot or cold drink depending on the season.
  • Any medication you, or other people travelling with you, need to take regularly.

Make a Grab Bag or Checklist

You can keep a Grab Bag or some essential items in case you need to leave your home in an emergency.

Keep items in a small, easy-to-carry bag, or write yourself a checklist of things you will grab in a hurry.

Grab bag checklist

Top Tips

It’s a good idea to keep a corded telephone (one that plugs directly into the telephone socket) that will work if there is a power cut.

Your house may be the safest place to be in an emergency. In snowy conditions for example you might not want to go out for a few days. Keep enough supplies of tinned food, bottled water, candles and matches, in case you are unable to leave your home.

Think about including things like:

  • Copies of key documents (such as passports, birth certificates and insurance details). A USB memory stick with key documents, sentimental photos etc.
  • Medication, prescriptions and a first aid kit.
  • A radio and torch with batteries or a wind up torch/radio.
  • Toiletries, wet wipes and/or antibacterial hand gel.
  • Any special items for babies, children etc.
  • A vacuum flask and hot water bottle.
  • Spare glasses/contact lenses.
  • Spare set of keys (home/car/office)
  • Food and drink that does not require electricity or heat to prepare it.
  • Notebook and pencil/pen.
  • An alternative to your normal form of heating.
  • Mobile phone/charger
  • MP3 players, games machines, books or other forms of entertainment to pass the time.
  • Small amount of cash.
  • Change of clothes and blankets and sensible footwear.
  • If you have pets, suitable carriers for small animals, a water bowl, bedding, pet medication and a supply of food.
  • Your completed household emergency plan.