East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire are safe places to live, work and visit. Whilst major emergencies are rare, that does not mean that we should be unprepared for what may happen, and that preparedness work starts with understanding the risks that we may face.
The Community Risk Register & The National Risk Register
The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 stipulates that Local Resilience Forums should assess risk in their area, to support the development of emergency plans to adequately deal with those risks Humber LRF is no different and it produces and maintains a Community Risk Register that highlights the risk we might face.
The Community Risk Register shows the risks that may be faced by the community and shows their likelihood and impact. It is created via risk assessment and collaborative working of various emergency responders.
Humber Community Risk Register Information Leaflet
Humber Community Risk Register
The National Risk Register is the UK Governments public facing assessment of the most serious risks facing the UK as a whole and can be found on the gov.uk website (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-risk-register-2023). In the production of the Humber Community Risk Register the LRF refers to the National Risk Register whilst considering local context and risk factors.
Further details on the UK approach to the assessment of the risk of emergencies can be found on the gov.uk website. (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/risk-assessment-how-the-risk-of-emergencies-in-the-uk-is-assessed)

Top Risk across the Humber
Some of the highest risks identified within the Humber Community Risk Register include:
- Pandemic
- Industrial Accidents
- Terrorist Attack
- Loss of essential Services
- Flooding
- Severe Weather
- Heatwave
- Low Temperature & Snow
Due to the potential high impacts associated with these risks, the LRF maintains emergency plans to respond to these and other key risks.